Google Slides Reports with Sheets Data and Apps Script


Deliverable: Google Slides Report Template Creation detailed in the:

How: Automated export of Google Sheets Data into a Google Slides Presentation TEMPLATE FOR REPORT CREATION ( PPTX SHOWING GRAPH TYPE ( GOOGLE SHEET TEMPLATE FOR MAKING CHARTS & TABLES SHARED FOLDER FOR OBJECTS (IMAGES, ETC) SHARED FOLDER CONTAINING FILES Automate the creation of text, images, tables and charts into a Google Slides using Google APIs or scripting 15+ page Google Slides report and 3+ charts or tables per page.

Works with Apps

Google Slides Google Sheets

From Ashton

Our project involves updating a Google Slides template with various elements, including text, images, tables, and charts. These elements are dynamically populated using data extracted from Google Sheets through the power of Google Apps Script. This approach is commonly employed in Google Apps Script, where placeholders in Google Slides are dynamically updated with relevant content.

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From Client

Absolute top quality.! Ashton performed the task far and above my expectations. I would hire him again for any project involving MS office or the Google Suite. He is able to solve complex problems, resolve issues with minimal direction, and create a great user experience. He is a script master. Look no further.

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